The Yakuza series is a video game franchise created, owned and published by Sega. The series follows the adventures of Kazuma Kiryu, an ex-yakuza member who is dragged back into the criminal underworld after he agrees to help his former mentor in a dispute. The first game in the series, Yakuza, was released in Japan in 2005 for the PlayStation 2. The game was later released in North America and Europe in 2006 and 2007 respectively. The game’s sequel, Yakuza 2, was released in 2008, while the third game, Yakuza 3, was released in 2009.

The fourth main installment in the series, Yakuza 4, was released in 2010, while the fifth main installment, Yakuza 5, was released in 2012.The series’ sixth main installment, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, was released in 2016. A remastered version of the game, titled Yakuza 6: The Song of Life – Prologue, was released in Japan in 2018, while the Western release of the game was delayed to 2019.

How long to beat yakuza 3

The game’s main story can be completed in about 15-20 hours, with an additional 20-30 hours needed to complete all of the side content. However, due to the game’s open world design, players are free to explore and complete side content at their own pace. As such, the game’s total playtime can vary depending on how much side content the player chooses to complete.

What to Expect from the Gameplay of Yakuza 6

The sixth main installment in the Yakuza series, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is an action-adventure game that follows the story of Kiryu Kazuma, a former yakuza member who is dragged back into the criminal underworld after he agrees to help his former mentor in a dispute. The game is set in the fictional Japanese city of Kamurocho, and features open world exploration and side activities such as minigames, substories, and managing Kiryu’s own personal business.

The combat in Yakuza 6 is similar to that of previous games in the series, with players being able to use a variety of techniques and weapons to defeat enemies. However, the game also introduces a new “Dragon Engine” that significantly improves the game’s visuals and overall gameplay.

What are people saying about the game

The game has received generally positive feedbacks, with many critics praising the game’s story, characters, combat, and visuals. However, some feedbackers have criticised the game’s open world design, stating that it can often feel empty and lifeless. Overall, the game has been praised as a return to form for the series.

Players can now switch between English and Japanese voice tracks

One of the new features in Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is the ability to switch between the game’s English and Japanese voice tracks. This feature was not present in the game’s Japanese release, but was added for the Western release. This option can be accessed from the game’s menus, and allows players to choose which language they would like to hear the game’s characters speaking in.

The inclusion of this feature was praised by many feedbackers, as it allows players to experience the game in its original language, while also giving them the option to switch to English if they prefer. This feature is sure to please fans of the series who have been clamoring for an English dub of the game.

Pros and cons

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is a return to form for the series, with improved combat, visuals, and a great story. However, some feedbackers have criticised the game’s open world design, stating that it can often feel empty and lifeless. Nevertheless, the game is still a must-play for fans of the series.


  • Story is great
  • -Combat is improved
  • Visuals are significantly improved
  • English and Japanese voice tracks are both available


  • Open world design can feel empty and lifeless
  • Some side content can be repetitive