
Document security is a paramount concern for companies involved in digital documentation. Regularly handling and managing sensitive documents places the responsibility squarely on you to safeguard your clients from potential data breaches. These breaches can lead to significant financial losses, compliance issues, reputation damage, and strained customer relationships. Whether you opt for a cloud-based or hybrid system, implementing best practices for document security is crucial. In this article, we detail key strategies for securing documents and secure file sharing.

1. Use Encrypted Storage

Your cloud provider ought to offer robust data encryption capabilities. If you use a hybrid system, ensure that you can encrypt data when storing it on hardware. Make sure you employ end-to-end encryption when sending files to customers.

2. Document Classification

Often, teams disrupt the entire document management process by leveraging their own custom methods of data storage. Some teams opt for breaking the data down into multiple sections, resulting in the creation of multiple folders within a parent file. Conversely, others prefer storing everything within a single folder. Some teams even implement a hierarchical system, with files stored within other files.

While all three approaches are valid, combining them can lead to failures in the management system. To ensure successful file organization, it is crucial to establish and adhere to a consistent approach. The same principle applies to files as well. Consider using online templates to maintain uniformity in file formatting or create your own templates.

3. Use Fax

If you need to transfer important documents to another person, the most reliable way to do it is to use a fax app. Would you like a quick guide on how do i send a fax from my iPhone or iPad?

You just need to install the application using the link above, log into it, enter the recipient, specify the documents to be sent, and confirm sending with the “Send” button.

4. Version Control

Tracking edits and attributing them to specific users can become challenging when circulating a document among multiple individuals. Sharing numerous versions of sensitive documents can confuse and heighten the risk of tampering. Rather than relying on email or private messages to distribute documents, consider utilizing a document management system with version control. This approach enables easy identification of document access and modifications made by users. Additionally, it provides the ability to revert to previous versions in case of accidental deletion of vital information or undesired changes.

5. Access Controls

Assess your team’s collaborative requirements and determine which individuals need access to specific resources. Grant permissions accordingly and ensure that your administrative authorities monitor the entire situation. Tools such as folder security reports can be utilized for these purposes. They analyze and monitor access and permissions, and even identify discrepancies between folders in a hierarchy, enhancing their usefulness.

6. Multi-factor Authentication

Wherever possible, it makes sense to use multi-factor authentication. The system involves dividing the authorization data into several parts. Even with one fragment, an attacker will not be able to penetrate protected sections of the system.

7. Regular Audits

Document management is directly related to auditing. Auditing involves a thorough assessment or inspection of the book of accounts to ensure that everything is proceeding according to plan. Conducting internal and external audits is important to verify that document management is on track.

Furthermore, effective documentation management can also assist in business audits by enhancing accessibility to necessary documentation. It promotes transparency and traceability in the workflow, making it easier for auditors to navigate.

8. Reduce Email Use

Email remains a vital tool for both internal and external communication in most businesses. However, using email for file transfer can present a substantial security risk, particularly when dealing with sensitive documents. Relying on email to transfer documents can expose your organization to sophisticated phishing attacks and potential hacks. As a more secure alternative, it is advisable to consider utilizing a document management system that enables direct document sharing with the intended recipients, both internal and external.

9. Convert Paper to Digital

Many businesses still rely on legacy systems that involve manila folders in filing cabinets, despite the growing trend towards digital documentation. While physical media may appear more secure against hacking, there are numerous risks associated with storing sensitive papers in files. These risks include leaving sensitive documents on printing trays, improper circulation within an office, and the possibility of losing or misplacing them. By converting sensitive documents into digital files, you can enhance control and gain greater visibility into document access.


We hope that by following the methods mentioned above, you can conveniently and smoothly manage your document directory.


Remember that documentation management is an ongoing process. Even with the right tools and software, it is important to continuously monitor it. Now, go ahead, and best of luck!

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