As we all know, computers and other electronic gadgets are used everywhere. From big appliances in our homes to small devices that can be carried around easily. Each one of them has a use that is very important to us. However, these devices will not work by themselves. They need a language they can understand before they could do what they’re supposed to do. There are different types of computer languages that could be used depending on what it is that you want your electronic device to accomplish.

Computer language is very complex and there are many types today which makes it even harder for us to understand. However, some of the most commonly known computer language types are COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, and C++. There are also other types but these four are used most often today. COBOL (common business-oriented language) is known to be the first computer language developed for business purposes. FORTRAN (formula translation) was developed in 1953 by John Backus at IBM and it is mainly used in numerical computing. BASIC (beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code) is a relatively simple language that is mainly used for learning purposes and C++ which was created in 1980 by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratories to be able to use object oriented programming.

What are the different types of computer language and what do they mean?

Computer language is divided into different types. Some of them are high-level programming language and low level programming languages which make it hard for us to understand what they are talking about. COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC , and C++ are examples of high-level computer languages while Assembly Language which uses short mnemonics for its operation is an example of a low-level computer language. Assembly Language only uses mnemonics for its operations and it is one of the most difficult types to understand compared with other high level languages because we cannot use English when we program in this type of computer language. However, programming in assembly makes it possible for us to do things faster since it allows us to use mnemonics.

What programming language are video games written in

Programming languages are divided according to the tasks they intend to do. There are different types of computer language that can be used by video games depending on what it is that you want your game to accomplish. One example would be Java which is a high-level programming language that allows us to do many things quickly. However, high-level languages are more prone to errors and they tend to slow down when they do a lot of calculations. C++, on the other hand is made up of low-level and high level programming and it allows us to create graphics with ease since almost all video games use 3D rendering these days. Assembly is also used in creating video games and it offers faster execution. However, like most low-level programming languages, assembly will be more difficult to understand and create since we need to use mnemonics. A video game is written in Assembly Language or C++ if what you want is speed while Java is the language of choice when we want a 3D rendering for our games.

Why is it important to know the different types of computer language?

Knowing the different types of computer language will be useful in understanding what you can do with your device and how fast it would accomplish its task depending on what kind of computer language is used. If you want a 3D rendering for your game, then there are specific programming languages that you need to use like C++ . However, if speed is more important to you, then Assembly would be the best computer language. High-level programming languages are useful in creating business applications since it needs less time for execution unlike low-level programming languages which are more efficient when it comes to speed. Thus, by knowing the different types of computer language, we can make full use of our devices and maximize its efficiency.


Computer language is the set of instructions that a computer will understand. It is mainly divided into high-level and low-level programming languages which make it hard for us to understand what they are talking about especially in Assembly Language where we only use mnemonics when creating our programs. High level programming languages, on the other hand, allow us to create programs easily and quickly.