It feels great to have a community of people who share your interests. As humans, we all want to belong and have a sense of purpose. Joining a clan in Destiny 2 is one way you can feel like you are part of something greater than yourself with the help of other players from around the world.

In this article, we will explore how clans can change how you feel about gaming and how they will make it easier for you to find friends!

How to make a Clan in Destiny 2

One of the first things you need to do is make sure that you are signed up for clan support in Destiny 2. The first thing you need to do is navigate your way over to the Clan tab. There, you will see a button at the bottom of the screen that says ‘Create Clan’. Click on that button and then enter all of your information. You can also scroll down to see how other clans are named, how many members they have, how old their clan is, how often they post in chat, how big their clan is, how active they are at Raids, how active their members are on Raids, how many people are looking for a clan or have looked at their clan profile this week etc.

Join a clan to find new friends and make connections

Joining a clan is the perfect way to make new friends and connect with like-minded individuals. By joining a clan, you will have access to a community of people who share your passions and interests. You can also learn from other members of the clan and collaborate on projects. Clans can also make it easier for you to find friends who play Destiny 2.

Get more rewards for completing missions

One thing I like about Destiny 2 is how it gives me rewards for completing missions. There’s plenty of exciting and satisfying rewards that will help to keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment for hard work.

Become the best of the best in destiny 2 with a team that has your back

One way to become the best of the best in Destiny 2 is to join a clan. By joining a clan, you will have access to a team of players who have your back and are ready to help you achieve your goals. You can also learn from other members of the clan and collaborate on projects.

Create a sense of belonging through shared goals and experiences

One of the most important things to consider when joining a clan is how you will be able to feel part of something. Clans are an excellent way for new players to learn how the game works because people share their knowledge with each other. Clans can provide support in-game by cheering each other on and giving live feedback on how they are playing.

They are also great for more experienced players who need help or have routine questions about how to play the game more effectively. These people are called mentors and newbies will often find themselves learning how to play the game and how to improve.

Participate in challenges and competitions against other clans from around the world

Connected with new friends from around the world by participating in Destiny 2 challenges and competitions. These challenges and competitions allow players to test their skills against the best in the world. There are also special rewards that can be earned by winning these challenges and competitions.


It’s great to feel like you are part of something, and clans in Destiny 2 provide that sense of belonging for gamers. When it comes time to find friends who share your interests, joining a clan is one way you can do so without too much effort.